We’ve pulled together some useful information to help if you are a parent or carer and are concerned about the emotional wellbeing of your child.
- Recovery College Online has lots of resources and information from our Trust
- Advice for supporting your child’s mental health from This May Help
- Skills for life webinars for parents and carers from our CAMHS colleagues in North Derbyshire (for anyone to access)
- The Go-To for Emotional wellbeing and mental health provides information for people living in North Yorkshire
- Healthier Together provides information for people living in the North East or North Cumbria
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists website includes information on young people’s mental health
- Free educational resources from MindEd to support your child’s mental health
- Advice and information from Rethink Mental Illness
- The Anna Freud website provides emotional and mental health resources
- Explore CAMHS Resources from an NHS professional