Rowan Building
Darlington Memorial Hospital
Hollyhurst Road
Phone: Darlington – 01325 736400
Sniperley House
Lanchester Road Hospital
Phone: Durham – 0191 3333550
We provide patients, families, carers and staff mental health support in acute hospitals.
Your mental health is important. Yet, conditions such as depression, anxiety, alcohol and memory problems are often untreated.
Untreated mental health issues like these can lead to longer hospital stays.
What is the mental health liaison service in Durham and Darlington?
The mental health liaison teams include:
- Medical secretaries and receptionists
- Operational manager
- Advanced Nurse Practitioners
- Registered Mental Health Nurses
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Pharmacists
- Consultant Psychiatrist
- Associate Specialist
- Support workers
The service operates 24 hours per day, seven days a week.
Why are we here?
We work with health care staff in acute hospitals to provide:
- assessment
- treatment
- advice and support
Who uses our service?
We work with people who have, or may have, mental health needs.
The mental health liaison service is for adults.
You may find you use our services while having treatment in hospital. People who come into the accident and emergency department may also use our services.
What you can expect?
- Your family or loved-ones can be with you during the assessment and informed of the outcome.
- We will assess your mental health needs and help you address these. It is important that you give us as much information as possible.
- All sensitive information will stay confidential, unless there are certain exceptional circumstances.
- You will get a clear, written explanation of what is going to happen.
- We will treat you with respect and dignity at all times.
- The views of both you and your family/carer are important to us. We will include you when we agree care plans.
We may help to arrange community follow-up after your hospital discharge.
We will let your GP know that the Mental Health Liaison service were involved with your care.
How to access the service
The acute hospital health care staff treating you may seek our advice. If they make a referral to us on your behalf, they will ask your permission first.
Staff at the acute and community hospital facilities may refer you to us. This will be by telephone.
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