Contact this hospital
Roseberry Park is made up of a number of self-contained ward units, clustered around closed landscaped courtyards. It has 365 inpatient beds and all the single, en-suite bedrooms are on the ground floor.
The facilities are complemented by various activity and recreational areas with ready access to safe and secure courtyards and gardens.
Virtual tour
Find out more about our Dalesway Unit at Roseberry Park Hospital with our 360-degree Dalesway virtual tour.

Visiting times
Please contact reception on 01642 837300 for individual ward visiting times.
Free car parking is available on site. This car park is monitored and contraventions enforced by an external company.
Please ensure sure you park according to the notices displayed in the car park. Drivers must park according to the parking directives, which include parking only in designated bays, not on yellow lines or hatched areas. Only disabled badge holders can park in disabled bays.
A parking charge notice of £40 will be issued for people not complying with the signed terms and conditions.

Café Meos
Café Meos is open from 9am until 4pm daily. The restaurant offers hot and cold meals, snacks and drinks including:
- Hot drinks
- Snacks and confectionary
- Baked items
- Pasta, salads and fruit
- Breakfast
- Sandwiches, wraps and rolls
- Soup and jacket potatoes
- Main meals, including vegetarian options
- Hot puddings
The shop is open from 9am to 4pm daily also offers a range of snacks and drinks as well as newspapers and magazines, small gifts, health and beauty products, toiletries, CDs and DVDs.
Vending machines are also available out-of-hours, serving hot and cold drinks, chocolates and crisps.
Other information
The faith centre is available to everyone – to service users, carers, visitors and staff and to people of any faith or no particular faith. It is a place where all can come to find a measure of quiet and peace.
Our chaplains can offer, among other things, a listening ear and support, especially at times of crisis or bereavement.
They can help you to think things through and make sense of experiences. They can offer a chance to pray and take part in worship, receive sacraments of the church or make contact with a local leader of a person’s faith.
There is a chaplain on call from 8am to 8pm every day of the year. They can be contacted through a member of staff or by the hospital switchboard.

This is a no smoking site. Patients, visitors, staff and contractors are not permitted to smoke at any time in the buildings or grounds.