Apply to become a member of our trust by completing our secure online form.
Alternatively, you can download the form as a Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF or easy read document. Completed forms should be emailed to or sent by post to FREEPOST TEWV.
An application form can also be requested from the Company Secretary’s Department by emailing them at or calling tel: 01325 552068.
By signing up as a member your details will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
You can find out more information about what we do with your information in our privacy notice for public members.
Staff membership
Staff membership is open to staff who are on a permanent or temporary contract for at least 12 months. Staff membership is sub-divided into three groups, called classes, which are as follows:
- Corporate Directorates
- Durham, Tees Valley and Forensics Care Group
- North Yorkshire, York and Selby Care Group
If you’re a member of staff and are uncertain about which class you are eligible for, or have been allocated to, please contact the Company secretary’s department on 01325 552068.