What can TEWV offer me?
Our dedicated postgraduate team provides specialist support to trainees to ensure curriculum needs are met and portfolios completed.
Weekly postgraduate teaching is available in each of the localities for all doctors to attend and weekly supervision is also provided via their clinical supervisor.
Psychiatry placements
We also provide six monthly psychiatry placements for GP trainees, which will provide them exposure to patients with varying mental health problems and an insight into how inpatient and community services function.
As a Trust we provide four month rotations to foundation doctors from South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
Why choose a placement with TEWV?
We can offer you a tailored placement that will be facilitated to meet your needs.
You may wish to undertake this placement because:
- You have had little or no previous experience of this specialty; or
- You will not spend time on a psychiatric rotation during your foundation years and want to ensure the opportunity to achieve the psychiatric behavioural curriculum outcomes; or
- You are fairly sure that you want to make your career in psychiatry, but want to be absolutely certain
What clinical specialities are available to me?
Adult mental health services
- Crisis resolution and home treatment teams
- Inpatient assessment wards
- Inpatient intervention and treatment wards
- Outpatient eating disorder service (Tees based)
- Rehabilitation and continuing care wards
- Young onset dementia team
- Affective disorder teams
- Psychosis teams
Children and young people’s services
- Community teams
Forensic psychiatry service (South Tees area only)
- Inpatient medium secure beds male and female – acute and enduring
- Low secure enduring inpatient beds
- Non forensic low secure
- In reach to prison services
Forensic learning disability service (South Tees area only)
- Inpatient low secure admission and assessment (male)
- Inpatient low secure treatment (male)
- Inpatient continuing care (male)
- Assessment and treatment unit (female)
- Community teams
Learning disability services
- Multidisciplinary community team working
- Inpatient facilities – acute admission and longer term treatment
- Services for adults with profound and multiple disabilities
- Learning disability – specific assertive outreach and crisis team
- Other specialist teams e.g. epilepsy, challenging behaviour
Liaison psychiatry
Dealing with the interface between physical and psychological health; providing psychiatric assessment and treatment for patients who attend general hospitals, whether outpatient clinics, accident and emergency departments or in patient wards.
Mental health services for older people
- Inpatient assessment and treatment beds
- Outpatient services
- Day services
Tasters are available trustwide and will be arranged on an individual basis to meet trainee needs.
Find out more
For more information about our medical development programmes please contact our postgraduate education team.
Email: [email protected]