The Star Awards celebrate the #TEWVstars who do amazing work across the Trust, going the extra mile in everything they do.
This year we received almost 500 nominations, which is a record number for our annual awards.
Take a look at this year’s shortlisted nominations…
People’s star
- Cath Rowell
- Laura Wilkinson – winner
- Kaleb Stephenson
This award is open to individuals working in our Trust, including those working as part of an integrated team/service.
It is presented to someone that has made a difference to the experience of the people in our care, their family members and carers. We invite nominations for people who have gone the extra mile to support you – who deserve to be recognised for their kindness and compassion or who has embraced a way of working to help and support others.
This person/team should be:
- Someone who makes a difference by their words or actions
- An outstanding employee
- Someone who supports the people in our care, their family members and carers
Involvement member of the year
- Anem Sharif – winner
- Sebastian Mundy
- Stephen Harding
This award is open to an individual who is registered with the Trust as an involvement member.
This award will be presented to a person with lived experience of mental health, who has made a significant contribution to the Trust through co-creation or involvement and engagement activity. It will be awarded to someone who has drawn on their own lived experience to contribute to change in the Trust.
Volunteer of the year
- David Hodgson
- Pat Hind – winner
- Tony Morris
This award is open to individuals who volunteer for our Trust.
It will be presented to someone who gives their time freely to make a significant contribution to our services and the people we support.
Excellence in learning
- Olivia Storey
- Sarah Dallal – winner
- Psychoanalytic psychotherapies, Laura Bridges
This award is open to individuals who work for our Trust, including those who work as part of an integrated team/service.
It recognises a commitment to learning and development. Someone who uses their time to attend additional training, learn new skills and increase their knowledge to benefit our services and the people we support.
Living our values
- Natalie Calvert – winner
- Jose Mediavilla
- Jayne Bowes
This award is open to any individual or team working for our Trust.
It will be presented to a person or team that consistently goes above and beyond to live the Trust values of respect, compassion and responsibility in everything they do. Their drive, commitment and support makes a genuine difference to others.
This award is sponsored by Trustmarque

Partnership working
- DTV Stomp, Sue Sargeant and Claire Donnelly
- Durham Adult LD Integrated Team – winner
- Laura Cattermole
This award is open to individuals and teams from our Trust working in partnership with external organisations, including the voluntary sector.
The partnership award showcases collaborations and partnerships driving change and improving the experience for patients and carers.
Wellbeing contribution
- Elizabeth Brown
- Emma Brookshaw and TEWV 10k – winner
- Humber and NY Resilience Hub
This award is open to individuals or teams working in our Trust, including those working as part of an integrated team/service.
It recognises the outstanding work being done to promote wellbeing throughout the Trust. This can include a person, activity or initiative run over the last year.
Rising star
- Lauren Griffiths – winner
- Ellie Brennan
- Olivia Storey
This award is open to individuals working in our Trust, including those who work as part of an integrated team/service.
They must be:
- at an early stage of their career
- worked for the Trust for less than three years
This award will be presented to a person who has demonstrated an appetite to progress their career. Someone who commits to learning and to their own personal development while positively contributing to the Trust and delivery of services.
They should have:
- Constantly achieved and attained a high standard of work
- A commitment to personal development
- Exceeded expectations in a particular area or project
Co-creation in action
- ARCH Recovery College and online – winner
- Hannah Fairbairn and Steph Addison
- Sharing the pen TEWV art and creative thinking group
This award is open to individuals or teams working in our Trust, including those working as part of an integrated team/service.
This award celebrates excellent examples of co-creation. We want to hear about our staff working with patients, carers and families to co-create an activity, initiative or new way of working.