When to seek funding
You may need funding if your study involves additional resources, supplies or equipment. Funding can also help you access expertise such as statistician support.
Certain funding schemes can help your research study gain adoption to the NIHR portfolio. If study funding is from a nationally competitive grant scheme or the commercial sector then it is typically eligible. This offers benefits to your project. The NIHR also provide information on how to apply for project funding.
Identifying funding options
Our team can help identify and look into different funding options. We also work closely with the NIHR Research Support Service, previously known as the Research Design Service, who can review available grant schemes. They also have information about how to make a strong application.
Here are some of the main grant schemes:
- The Department of Health funds significant programmes of research and development in the NHS. This is through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). See How to apply for project funding | NIHR. They have various research programmes, training, and fellowships available. There are also other funding opportunities from NIHR partners and charities.
- Charities are an important stream of research funding. The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) is an organisation of the leading UK charities who fund medical and health research. Members are listed on the AMRC website.
- The Wellcome Trust provide individual and project-related funding through various schemes and programmes.
- The Nuffield Foundation supports research that informs social policy in education, welfare, and justice.
- UK Research and Innovation is a national funding agency from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. Check if you are eligible for UKRI research and innovation funding.
- There is also the UKRI Funding Finder website where you can filter on opportunity status or funding type.
This is just a small selection of potential funding options. There are other groups that provide funding such as The Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Psychiatrists or the British Psychological Society.
Working out the costs
If you are planning a funding application, please contact our research and development team at the earliest stage possible. We can help work out the costs to ensure the grant application is costed correctly and fully.
There are different potential costs to consider:
- Staff costs
- Travel costs
- Consumables
- Equipment
- Statistician and health economist fees
- Engagement with service users, patient and public involvement (PPI)
Costings for salaries must be calculated in discussion with the research grants and contracts co-ordinator: [email protected]
There are different potential costs to consider:
- Dissemination costs – conferences, travel, accommodation
Submitting a funding application
Most funding schemes have published application deadlines. They will advise on what type of studies are eligible.
Please give our team as much notice as possible before a funding application deadline.
After submission watch out for any feedback from the funder. It is important to respond promptly to any queries. Our team can help you put together a response.