We know that some of our PDF documents may not be accessible to everyone but we’re working on it. As documents come up for renewal we aim to make them more accessible. In the meantime, if you need any of our policies in a different format please email [email protected]
Showing 430 Publications
Measles (Rubeola) procedure
Measles is an acute viral notifiable disease that is transmitted via the respiratory route. It is highly infectious and can be very severe, particularly in people who are immunosuppressed, pregnant or very young infants. This procedure sets out how the Trust manages Measles.
Category: Procedures
Domestic Abuse Procedure
This procedure will help staff to understand Domestic Abuse and what actions to take to help safeguard victims (including children).
Category: Procedures
Topic: Clinical
111 Select Mental Health Option (2)
This procedure provides for a first point of contact via 111 MH for urgent mental health needs in DTV and NYYS areas. It is open 24/7.
Category: Procedures
Topic: Clinical
Prescribing Support for First Generation Antipsychotic Depots – FGA Depots PSS004
This document provides prescribing support for First Generation Antipsychotic Depots in used TEWV.
Category: Prescribing Support Series
Topic: Pharmacy
Promethazine PSS003-v1
This document provides prescribing support for PROMETHAZINE used in TEWV for managing agitation and insomnia.
Category: Prescribing Support Series
Topic: Pharmacy
Social media policy
The Social media policy outlines how colleagues can use social media responsibly and minimise any harm to them or the Trust.
Category: Policies
Topic: Corporate