Cleveland Way
Roseberry Park
Marton Road
Phone: 01642 837362
Service opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Lead contact name: Jackie Ramsey
What is an informal patient?
If you have agreed to come into hospital and have given consent for the treatment you are receiving, you will be described as an informal patient.
Or, you may have been detained under the Mental Health Act, but your section has been discharged or may have lapsed.
As an informal patient, you have certain rights and this leaflet explains what they are.
Those patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, are ‘formal’ patients, and there are separate leaflets describing their rights.
What are my rights?
While you are in hospital we have a duty of care, this means that your wellbeing is central to the work we do. You cannot be legally held in hospital against your will without good reason. This right is protected under the Human Rights Act (1998).
Your rights to leave the hospital
You are free to leave at any time. If you want to leave, please talk to the ward staff. They are responsible for your care so will need to know how long you will be away for and when you expect to return.
If you wish to leave the ward and we have concerns about your health, we will discuss this with you and may ask you to wait and see a doctor.
If you wish to go home for a night or for the weekend, please talk to a member of staff.
The ward is usually locked to help keep patients, visitors and staff safe and because other patients are being kept in hospital under the Mental Health Act and are not free to leave.
Yours rights regarding treatment
You have come into hospital voluntarily to receive care, treatment and/or therapy. We aim to involve you at all stages.
The doctors responsible for your care may feel a particular medication, treatment or therapy can help you and they will explain any medication they have recommended so that you understand what to expect.
If you are unhappy with any treatment recommended by your doctor, the medical team responsible for your care will discuss options with you and may offer the best alternative.
You may wish to discuss your treatment with friends or relatives, they cannot however, speak on your behalf or consent to your treatment. The consent to treatment must come from you.
As you are an informal patient, you cannot be given treatment without your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time if you choose to do so.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to discuss them with your named nurse.
We observe all patients routinely, whether ‘formal’ or ‘informal’ patients, to ensure their well-being and safety. We may check how you are more often if we feel it is appropriate.
If you have any concerns regarding our observation procedures, please do not hesitate to discuss them with your named nurse.
What is expected of me?
We aim to make hospital a safe and helpful place to be. We ask that patients respect each other and the staff. We will talk to you about behaviour and arrangements for mobile phones, property and smoking etc.
We encourage you to get involved with your treatment and to take part in planned activities and to talk to us if you are worried about anything in your treatment or care.
You have the right to contact your friends, make phone calls, receive visits and send or receive letters.
Sharing information and confidentiality
We keep information about you in your medical records so that we can give safe and effective care.
We have a legal duty to keep your information confidential although we may need to share some of it with other healthcare providers to give you the best possible care.
This information is not shared with other organisations e.g. housing, without your consent unless there is a legal reason for doing so for example, if a child is at risk.
Please talk to us if you are worried about this.
Leaving hospital
Leaving hospital is usually agreed between you and the clinical team. We will send a summary of the discharge plan to your GP and may need to let your family or carers know in case you need any extra support.
TEWV is committed to the protection of staff, service users and visitors to the Trust from second hand smoke and currently operates a no smoking policy which ensures all buildings and grounds are smoke free.
If there is anything you don’t understand, please ask us to explain.
L958, V4, 08/05/2024 (Archive: 07/05/2027)