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Your views count – PDF downloadWhy is your feedback important?
The Trust is always interested in your views about the care and treatment it provides.
All feedback whether positive, negative or indifferent helps us to improve our services and standards.
We will explain to you how any information you give will be used to help improve our services, and in working with you; together we can make a real difference to your experience.
What do we want to know?
In consultation with patients, service users, families and carers we identified key areas which are important for a good quality service.
The following are examples of the questions we ask:
- the friends and family test (FFT) question, which asks you to think about your recent appointment overall, how was your experience of our service?
- were you treated with dignity and respect?
- did you feel safe?
- were you involved as much as you wanted to be in the planning of your care?
- we may ask carers whether they feel that they are actively involved in decisions about the care and treatment of the person they care for.
How will we ask you?
At different times of your care you may be asked to give your views, however you can give your views at any time by one of the below methods:
- written surveys or questionnaires
- electronic surveys
- telephone surveys
- discussions with staff
- an email or SMS text message sent to your phone.
Your participation is entirely voluntary and confidential.
Please do not be afraid to say what you think as all feedback is collected and analysed anonymously. Your answers cannot be traced back to you, and will not affect your care in anyway.
What will we do with your feedback?
- your feedback is collated and fed back to each ward or team every month. It is reviewed by staff and shared with patients, service users, families and carers
- we share FFT scores nationally
- we regularly report patient and carer views to those who commission our services and other agencies and groups as required e.g. Care Quality Commission (CQC), carers and service user groups
- feedback is monitored by the Trust senior managers on a monthly basis to identify trends and initiate improvements where required
- positive feedback is used to celebrate success and share good practice
- any negative feedback received is used to drive actions to improve and maintain good services.
L466, V6, 11/10/2023 (Archive: 10/10/2026)