There are key points in the child or young person’s life that may prove difficult or stressful and have an impact on ADHD:
- moving from primary to secondary school
- family or home changes
- adolescence, puberty
- exams
- transitions to adult services
- driving
- leaving school
- employment prospects
- medication compliance
- managing their own medication
- attending appointments independently.
At certain points (as above) there will be a need to review the impact of any changes on the young person. Difficulty in managing changes may require an increase in support and closer liaison with family and school.
Transitions to adult services should start when the young person is 17 years and 6 months. This will include:
- discussion with the young person around the need for ongoing care within adult services
- agreement that transition is required
- a joint meeting with the allocated clinician from adult mental health services (AMH) and child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to explore ongoing treatment and the differences that entering AMHS may mean
- the adult worker will attend reviews with the young person their family and CAMHS worker as part of the transition planning
- a clear care plan will be agreed between CAMHS, AMHS and the young person of what the transition planning will include
- agreeing a date for the transition.
L712 V4, 22/09/2022 (Archive: 21/09/2025)