The mental health team at HMP Frankland strives to work in partnership with service users and stakeholders to deliver a holistic and recovery focused service. The team is multidisciplinary in nature and the care delivered is compassion focused and trauma informed. The team offer pharmacological and psychological interventions based on a stepped care model.
The mental health services within the receiving prisons are treatment focused with the skill mix to support solution and evidence based treatment, underpinned by a compassion focused and trauma-informed model of care.
Access to psychological interventions as per the stepped care model, through a registered applied Psychologist; ensure tiers 3 and 4 are addressed. This ensures patients receive DBT and at least one other treatment modality with all treatment being delivered on 1:1 and group basis.
There is dedicated sessional psychiatry service, with each prison having a Lead Psychiatrist. Access to regional Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) and Occupational Therapists (OT) will support the residents.
Management and Progression Units (segregation units) are complex places where some of the prison’s most challenging and vulnerable individuals reside. A tripartite approach is delivered between Prison Officers / Prison Psychology (HMPPs) and mental health / learning disability services (TEWV) to support residents living within the unit.
The primary aim of this approach is to help stabilise a resident’s behaviour in order for transition and reintegration, being able to cope on the wing, or developing readiness for further treatment outside the MPU, promote stability, readiness and progression.
HMP Frankland
County Durham