Our performance management process includes the following metrics.
Performance measurement
Identifying and agreeing performance indicators and targets which relate to the following and measuring actual performance against these:
- trust strategic objectives
- key performance indicators based on the four domains of quality, national targets,
- workforce and finance
- Care Quality Commission’s Annual Health Check assessment
- local delivery plan/vital sign targets
- operational type indicators
Performance reporting
The production of a suite of timely performance reports for all levels of the organisation, which highlight both variances in performance against a set of agreed performance indicators and targets. The reports are provided at the following levels on a monthly basis:
- board of directors
- executive management team
- operational directorate
- ward/team
Performance improvement
Ensuring processes are in place, which provide the board of directors with appropriate assurances on the delivery of its key external and internal performance targets. This is facilitated by a range of forums where performance is reported and discussed resulting in appropriate mitigating action being agreed as necessary. The forums include:
- directorate management team meetings
- performance meeting with chief operating officer, director of planning and performance and director of finance and each directorate team
- executive management team performance meeting
- board of directors